
Friday, March 11, 2011


What's the buzz for March?

I was watching TV one night and I saw women sharing their achievements and passion in life, then at the end of their spiel, a video showed that March celebrates the women. 

Right, women of different backgrounds, race and color are given due tribute on March though it does not need to be celebrated once a year, yet the focal of the celebration for women is this month, just like the fire prevention, which is also celebrated this month.

So why the comparison? Because women ignites fire of passion. The passion to excel, to achieve and to be the best at any time.

Women are known to be behind the success and failure of men. That is why the story is not all about history but also her story.

And this are their stories:

From the BOOKS

Eve, the temptress. The woman behind the failure of a man. She is supposed to take care of Adam and together they act as stewards of His creation. She maybe flawless in beauty but not in character. She is easily tempted by materialism and power, which she does not really posses. A lot of Eves roam around the earth to create chaos. Very beautiful being who is full of conceit and selfishness, living freely and wreaking havoc in families, in society and in offices. She is either the naive temptress or the intellectual bully.

Mary, the mother of Christ. The model of motherhood, the selfless and the woman inviolate according to the Bible. She represents the essence of a woman in the old century.

Maria Clara, the Filipina of "Noli Me Tangere" during the Spanish era. In the book she was violated a lot of times to the point that she lost all hope and her sanity. She represents how violated the Philippines was under the rule of the colonial tyrants.


Gabriela Silang(1763), the Joan of Arc of Ilocandia, Philippines. A Filipina hero who fought against the Spanish regime in her hometown, Vigan, Ilocos. Silang astride a prancing horse led the march towards Vigan to encourage her warriors, some of Itneg origin, to fight fiercely. She was later on captured and was publicly hanged on September 20, 1763. She died for her people's freedom.

Josefa Llanes Escoda(1945), A Filipina advocate of women's right of suffrage and founder of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines. She had the opportunity to be granted a scholarship in the United States during the US occupation in the Philippines. Being one of the Filipinas who resisted the Japanese in occupying the Philippines that she was imprisoned with her husband. She was last seen on January 6, 1945 and believed to be executed.

Women of substance have graced this planet for centuries some of them are well-known while some have become unsung heroes who served their country for their family.


Alodia, an unknown woman. She has raised eight kids by accepting outsourced sewing jobs. Whatever amount she has raised is used to support her family. She married at a young age and tries hard to keep the family together. She is my idol and she is my mother. 
Emerenciana, another unknown woman. Helped raise a family by having her own buy and sell business. The better half of the man who has established the clan that I joined by affinity. A clan whose last names are related to another Filipino hero.

These women are gifts to me and they have something in common. They are both known only to the people in their sphere of influence and are both trying to survive and still contribute to the community. Both became widow and have not met but they made a very important contribution in my life.
In our daily lives, we come across women who created a profound impact. Their stories and experiences provide an insight on how life is lived and should be lived. 

It is up to the observer (us) to make the right choice to live the life that we want to live.

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